Sep. 062022

Amanda Harlan

Born and raised in the Napa Valley, Amanda Harlan was immersed from an early age in the cultural, social, entrepreneurial, and philanthropic life of the region. Around the dinner table, discussions about winegrowing were a nightly event, with her father speaking on the importance of creating, as a family, something that would last for generations. The family’s dedication to the community was another common theme. Auction Napa Valley, the area’s most impactful annual charitable endeavor, has been held since its inception at Meadowood Napa Valley, of which her father is Founding Partner.

After earning a degree in Psychology from the University of Southern California, Amanda began her professional life at LVMH, where she broadened her knowledge of retail and the international wine business. She formally joined the Harlan family business in 2014 by working harvest in the BOND cellar. Amanda then took on the role of Patron Relations for The Mascot, marking the full involvement of the Harlan family in the domain.

Today, as the family introduces Promontory into the Harlan Domain and refines the charter of The Napa Valley Reserve, Amanda brings a global perspective and a strong affinity for the community to her role in developing the culture and supporting the communications of the Harlan family’s businesses.

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