Jul. 032023

Sue & Mike Bieker

Supporting the needs of disadvantaged children has been extremely important to Sue and Mike Bieker for many years. As a couple they have also been deeply involved in supporting D.A. Blodgett – St. John’s in Grand Rapids, Michigan, which helps children and empowers families by providing safety, advocacy and support. Mike served on the Advisory Board that helped shape the vision for the development of a new campus park for the foster youth in the area and assisted in fundraising for that endeavor.

Sue graduated from the University of Southern California in 1987 with a Bachelor of Science in Business and Marketing, receiving the Senior Recognition Award for Academic Excellence. She attended the University of San Diego School of Law and received her J.D. in 1990. Sue pursued her law career as an employment attorney at Cooley LLP in San Diego, where she became a partner and served as head of the Employment Counseling group until 2005 when she retired from the practice of law.

Sue served for many years in her community in Rancho Santa Fe, California. She was a member of the Board of Directors for Children’s Heritage Foundation (three years), National Charity League (four years), Foundation for the Children of the Californias (two years) and the Foundation Board that supported the San Diego Children’s Hospital (four years).

In addition, Sue served as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) through Voices for Children for nine years, working directly with children in the foster system in San Diego. As a CASA, she spent time with her case child each week, communicated with professionals involved with the child, ensured the child’s needs were being met, submitted reports to the court with recommendations and attended all court hearings related to the child.

Sue also served as an Elder for the Village Presbyterian Church in Rancho Santa Fe for several years. She was the committee chairperson for human resources at the church.

Mike was born in Columbus, Indiana and attended the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University where he earned a B.A. in Marketing.

In 1994, Mike founded MarketLab, one of the first companies to use direct mail cataloging to sell specialty products to U.S. hospitals. Mike brought in outside investors in 2011 and remains both a shareholder and member of the board today. He has also enjoyed investing in other small businesses with an eye toward mentoring younger entrepreneurs.

Mike’s leisure interests included spending five years as a tri-athlete and being part of the My Team Triumph program, which helps young children with disabilities experience the thrill of competition. In 2012, Mike became a licensed helicopter pilot and flew recreationally for eight years.

Sue and Mike moved to Naples in late 2019 and attended their first Naples Winter Wine Festival in 2021. They have six children between them, and three grandchildren. When they are not with their family, they enjoy hiking and biking, beach walks, time with friends and travel.

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